Are you contemplating all your pregnancy options, including adoption, before making up your mind? Adoption is the process of adults becoming the legal guardian of a child and taking on the rights and responsibilities of a parent.

The process of adoption has improved over the years, allowing the birth mother to choose the type of adoption that works best for her and her child.

Do You Have Your Doubts?

It’s normal to have questions and doubts about a pregnancy option, including adoption. You might have the following questions right now:

  • Can I still be a part of my child’s life?
  • What will my relationship with the adoptive family look like?
  • Am I eligible for adoption?
  • Is adoption selfish?

These are all very normal adoption questions, and we are here to help you answer them one by one. We understand your situation is unique to everyone else’s, and we are here to listen to you and provide support along the way.

Types of Adoption Plans

You can choose from the following three adoption plans based on your unique situation and desired future with your child. It’s completely up to you.

Open Adoption

With an open adoption, you have open communication with the adoptive family and exchange names, addresses, and phone numbers. You all work together to visit with one another and your child. It’s up to both parties to build the type of relationship they would like.

Closed Adoption

With a closed adoption, the adoptive family and birth mother remain anonymous. The child’s birth certificate and identifying information are sealed after everything is finalized with the adoption. Some women who choose this adoption plan feel they receive some closure. This may be your best option if you are concerned for your child’s safety due to your life circumstances or situation.

Semi-Open Adoption

Thirdly, there is semi-open adoption. With semi-open adoption, you have a mix of open and closed adoption. There is still communication between you, your child, and the adoptive family, but it’s done through the adoption agency or specialist of your choosing.

More Adoption Information

Do you still need answers about adoption? Our nonjudgmental and understanding staff at Anderson Pregnancy Care can provide you with the facts you need. We are a dependable resource during this unexpected time. Take things one step at a time.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today to learn more.

What to Expect

At Anderson Pregnancy Care, we're here to walk with you during this unexpected time. When visiting us, you can expect free, compassionate care without judgment. Schedule a pregnancy testing appointment with us today to begin getting answers and support.

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